Frequently asked questions.

How close can I get to the bees?

Bees are generally very calm and only interested in pollinating from one flower to the next. When you see a bee crawling around on a flower you can observe her from a few feet away. If you are near a hive or a fallen tree and bees are flying in and out, it’s best to stay 30 feet away.

What if a bee stings me?

If a bee is flying around you, simply walk away. If you do get stung, find the stinger and scrape it off. Take two Benedryl and place a bag of ice on it. It is very rare that someone will have to go to the hospital.

When do you harvest the honey?

We usually harvest honey during the beginning of summer after the spring production has started and then again at the end of summer before they tuck in for winter.

How much space do the bees need?

When we place a bee hive on your property, the bees only need about 15 feet of space in front of the hive to fly in and out. We call it the runway.